Friday, June 27, 2008

Strip numbers from String : C# .NET Remove numbers from string

Here is a simple function I created to strip/remove numbers from a string.
I used the regular expressions to check if a char is number.
I choose to use regular expressions than using the Double.TryParse() because I feel RegEx are faster then the TryParse function. I could be wrong but at this point is doing the job.

public string StripNumbers(string input)
Regex regEx = new Regex("[0-9]+");
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (char a in input)
if (!regEx.IsMatch(a.ToString()))

return sb.ToString();

The next steps will be to test performance and find out what method is faster to check for IsNumber().


  1. Thanks for writing this.

  2. thanks, from costa rica, IT's Paradise!!! Come visit us. We are pura vida!

  3. Here is a one line version:

    Regex.Replace(key, @"\d", "");

    I found at:
